Respiratory disease control and prevention

Respiratory disease is a primary area of focus for us, due to the financial ramifications to your farm.

Mortality and antibiotic treatments costs, weight loss and reduced growth rates of clinically and sub-clinically affected animals can all reduce income.

Respiratory disease is multifactorial in nature, and our team can assess and advise on management, building design and ventilation, vaccination control plans and treatment policies.

We can use tools such as bloods, swabs and post mortems to test for the causes of respiratory disease.

Thoracic ultrasound (lung scanning) can be used to assess the levels of subclinical pneumonia on a farm, aid specialist advice and select the best heifer replacements (animals without obvious lung lesions).

We can also scan calves for subclinical signs of disease to help choose which to treat or isolate before they are introduced to the rest of the stock.


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